Tuesday 26 March 2019

Bottoming out..

The time spent since Mum passed away has flown by and thats down to us being busy each day and having friends around us

At first we found it very difficult as the day to day process of life with one partner completely dependent on the other for the most basic of things took its toll I'm afraid on us both
Add to that the necessity to grieve the loss of a loved one and soon we inevitably hit rock bottom...

There are times we feel burnt out and struggle to keep up the smiles for those around us but we soldier on as there's no choice really but to grind it out

Keith is on hand and close by keeping a watchful eye on us and his subtle timely interventions (culinary and socially) are most welcomed. On several occasions he props me up with a listening ear, a manhug or two and ofcourse a crafty beer usually whilst servicing Tasca
For this I will always be grateful...

We are joined on site by Mick & Deb and shortly afterwards its time to go pick up Chris from nearby Murcia airport

Our time is spent between visits to the hospital, socialising on site with chums and most days round at Bolnuevo with family. Its full on but crucially time consuming which means the days pass quickly, Nina progresses and we lift ourselves up and look forward to reconnecting with our 'normal' life

No photos here, more of an update on our state of mind I think

We have learnt much these past few weeks and are most thankfull for the support we've received

Onwards and Upwards!

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