Sunday 20 September 2020

"The Green Light"

Blessed with decent weather we settle in to life back on the farm 

Some are more settled than others and its easy to wander to the local of an afternoon!

After a very favourable consultation at the hospital Nina is told to get out there and do her stuff ("the green light")
Thats two crutches, a windy trail, one brave girl and a hell of a lot of grit and determination to try to grab back her former life

Very painful and of course slow progress but she's out there doing it. Some days far too much tbh leaving her in a wrecked state but all good for the muscles and bone growth

I take tea down to the brothers one day and get involved in dry stone wall repairs for a couple of hours

Back in to my late evening walking regime sadly still alone but listening to podcasts and planning future bike related tours keeps the spirits up

Part way through an evening's fun at Baz's van

The bike is loaded up and taken out in the Peaks to further improve my skills. No problems stopping for coffee and chatting with fellow bikers but really missing Nina on the back
She's been a real star sending me out on the bike and any opportunity is readily taken up

Her idea at this stage is to concentrate on building up her leg strength, follow the physiotherapy programme which includes visits to QMC and hopefully walk with the use of a stick
This is some way off but she's getting there. Any attempt at mounting the bike will be done when she can confidently stand on the busted leg and apply full weight. There's a set way of getting on and this needs to be done confidently come the day. The main issue we have is her muscles having suffered impact trauma and of course being unused for such a long time are weak. Her intensive physio will hopefully improve the situation

We drop in to a routine of going out most days armed with a flask and sandwiches and drive up to the High Peak Trail

Some beautiful scenery along the route of the old railway

A 'Walkers' lunch

Several car parks along the many miles of trails means we can visit different parts to break up the days

Not all hard graft....many evenings are spent relaxing on the sunny bench overlooking our temporary home

Making memories again but in a different way I suppose

Nina's mobile garden of which she's very proud!

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