Friday 21 December 2018

The Accident

I sadly have to report that on Monday 17 December we were involved in a road traffic accident on the coast road between Puerto de Mazarrón and Cartagena 

We were taken out on Max at the approach to a bend by a car driving the opposite way that overshot the bed and hit us on our side of the road at approximately 11.15am and were laid on the road for about 40mins receiving first aid from motorists and paramedics before being taken to Cartagena University Hospital from which I now am updating the blog in our room

Nina has sustained some very serious injuries..
A complete left leg femur break with splintered ends
Shattered knee
Broken nose
Facial lacerations 

She was hit in the leg by the car and was thrown from the bike 
I remained on it albeit sliding down the road ending up with it trapping my left leg causing the expected injuries but NO breaks

She has had extensive stitching to her top lip and nose and the leg has been left in a complete mess bone wise so required length reconstruction of the femur break and knee involving the fitting of a plate and “many screws”

She has suffered agonising pain, particularly in the immediate days after admission despite regular morphine injections and drips. Her leg was pinned and on traction for this time pre op

As of today she is back on the ward with her leg bandaged and immobilised, hooked up to a few less machines and drinking water through a syringe 

The focus of our lives now is Nina’s recovery and Day 1 starts today!

After just 4 horrendous days of trauma I have to say we are extremely grateful for the genuine love and support we’ve had so far from family and friends 
Special thanks also go out to the guys who helped immeasurably at the actual scene by placing vehicles in fend off positions, rendering vital first aid and to Tom who took some crucial on scene pictures whilst his wife Lynda did the biz with Nina and me
Passing firemen, ex military German personnel (Olaf & Cintra), Rudy & Dorine (who drove from Elche to comfort me when Nina was out of her 6hr operation)

My faith in humanity is restored and I am humbled immensely by the depth of warmth and concern from all around us at this very difficult time

Nina’s parents and Martyn flew out yesterday to be with us and it was like the cavalry arriving tbh. Nina’s siblings are a WhatsApp phenomenon in their own right and should seriously consider entering a possible Olympic on line team event for social media support!

We feel for Emilja as she desperately wanted to fly out immediately to be with us but will now come out with Richard in the New Year as this will be far more beneficial moral wise for Nina when the inevitable frustration at being bed bound sets in

It would be so easy to drop our heads and say life was Shit...
But it ain’t is it? Just take a look at our recent blogs and think thats them at their happiest
That is where we’ll be again and soon...

The healing, rehabilitation and return to normal life will be long we know but with the help of so many fine folks around us it will soon pass

I’m not sure how the blog will pan out now as photos will be rare and for obvious reasons we have plenty on this subject but can’t post here

Tell you what I’ll save em all for the Solicitors!

I think the way forward now is to give regular updates on Nina’s progress and make that the focus of the blog

I have to go now as bed pan duty awaits 😂😂

1 comment:

  1. How's everyone/everything doing now Pete? Jon Scott
