Sunday, 16 April 2017

Still more Ricote!

Martyn is dropped off at the airport and we wild camp near La Marina, getting stocked up at Mercadona & Lidl, and doing the washing at a very handy 'Wash & Go' facility nearby

What better way of unwinding than to return to lovely Ricote...

This is what it says on the tin for our intended stay

Walking is soon undertaken amongst the lemon groves once more and the smell of blossom abounds

These almonds are coming on nicely

Hot explorers

A four strong jet stream is spotted above and identified as incoming from Buenos Aires at the end of a long journey

A nice ride on Max through the hills to nearby Mula is rewarded with a cold beer and the usual Tapas

Topped off with some fine home cooking of giant Gambas steeped in garlic & parsley

Its at Ricote that we meet these guys, Vivienne & John, who turn out to be a right laugh. After a previous vinho tinto night in with them they take us to a very secluded typical tapas bar in the village that opens late evening

Next day we are off exploring the hills with these recently arrived guys, Pat & Colin, who we met last year at Cabo de Gata. We think they were impressed with the village and its walking possibilities and are sure to return again
Luckily for them we confined our 'Gin & Tonic' refreshments to the afternoon at the van together so headaches next day were tactfully avoided!
You may not be so lucky next time!

Colin spotted this electrical wizardry at top floor level where the street electrics run through the house!
Imagine getting away with that in the UK...

Much hilarity in the van one night before bed as Nina takes a swag off disinfectant instead of water
Apparently the same looking bottle in the dark..

To top off our 'Rest Session' Russ & Lynne arrive travelling eastwards and the girls are soon sampling the bargains to be had at the local small market

Livers are soon put in to action as expected but a big walk next day in the hills kinda redresses the balance don't you think?

Oh dear, 'Nobby' has found a bar after the walk and we 'have' to keep him company

Ha Ha...
Too much for this 'Old Dude'
I have to admit I felt the same in the heat of the afternoon

So at the end of our 'Escape to the country rest session' we leave Ricote thoroughly exhausted from social excess
Great to see everyone though and catch up on the Goss!

We head now down to La Azohia and the coast for a spot of cycling and a chill...

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