The day finally arrives when Emilja & Richard fly out for a short stay in Albufeira
Thoughtful Richard brings Emilja out to see us as a Birthday treat for her
Happy Bunnies…
We are soon off in the van and encamped on Ferraguda beach down the coast for her inaugural Birthday dinner, or lunch as it was in this case..
Here the intended victims were shown to the eager punters
Yum Yum, starters were clams and prawns
Both girls turned their noses up at the clams which was great news for Richard and me..
A sombre looking chef barbecues the priceless fayre
Happy days...
Some old people..
Lets just check..
Back in Albufeira the evening swings along with lots of this and a few cheeky burgers
Next day we are off to Alvor & Portimao via several pottery shops and settle for lunch in one of the many restaurants in Alvor
Emilja and yet more shrimps
Go on, do me a favour...
Super grainy selfie of us in Sangria mode at Praia de Rocha
And here it is..
'Love's not so young dream'
Numpty with a beer..